Upgrading from v0.4

A few breaking changes have been made between version 0.4.x and version 1.0.x Upgrading should take less than 30 minutes.


Replace :

<!-- replace: -->
<script src="dist/js/jquery.chocolat.js"></script>
<!-- with: -->
<script src="dist/js/chocolat.js"></script>


Version 1 is no longer relaying on jQuery.

// replace:

// with:
Chocolat(document.querySelectorAll('#parent .chocolat-image'), {})

Also the imageSelector option has been removed.

// replace:
    imageSelector: '.my-image',
    // options...

// with:
Chocolat(document.querySelectorAll('#parent .my-image'), {
    // options...



You should no longer pass images array as an option, you are now supposed to pass it as the first argument of Chocolat. You can learn more on how to instanciate Chocolat here.

// replace:
    images: [ 
        { src: 'img1.jpg' }, ...
    // options...

// with:
Chocolat([ { src: 'img1.jpg' }, ... ], {
    // options...


container must be an HTMLElement .

Selectors are no longer valid.

// replace:
    container: '.my-container-selector',
    // options ...

// with 
    container: document.querySelector('.my-container-selector'),
    // options ...

jQuery objects are no longer valid.

// replace:
    container: $('.my-container-selector'),
    // options ...

// with 
    container: document.querySelector('.my-container-selector'),
    // or
    // container: $('.my-container-selector')[0],
    // options ...


setTitle is now a function returning a string.

// replace:
    setTitle: 'Title',
    // options ...

// with 
    setTitle: function () { return 'title' },
    // options ...

You can no longer use data-chocolat-title on your html element to set the title.

<!-- replace: -->
<div id="parent" data-chocolat-title="Set title">
    <!-- ... -->
// with 
    setTitle: function () { 
        return 'Set title' 
        // or 
        // return document.querySelector('#parent').dataset.chocolatTitle
    // options ...


separator2 has been replaced with the pagination function.

// replace:
    separator2: '-',
    // options ...

// with 
    pagination: function () { 
        const last = this.settings.lastImageIndex + 1
        const position = this.settings.currentImageIndex + 1

        return `${position}-${last}`
    // options ...


firstImage has been renamed to firstImageIndex .

// replace:
    firstImage: 0,
    // options ...

// with 
    firstImageIndex: 0,
    // options ...


lastImage has been renamed to lastImageIndex .

// replace:
    lastImage: 5,
    // options ...

// with 
    lastImageIndex: 5,
    // options ...


currentImage has been renamed to currentImageIndex .

// replace:
    currentImage: 5,
    // options ...

// with 
    currentImageIndex: 5,
    // options ...


imageSize default value 'default' as been renamed to 'scale-down'

// replace:
    imageSize: 'default',
    // options ...

// with 
    imageSize: 'scale-down',
    // options ...


enableZoom has been renamed to allowZoom .

// replace:
    enableZoom: true,
    // options ...

// with 
    allowZoom: true,
    // options ...


API can now be accessed without calling the api() function. You can learn more on how to use the API here

// replace:
const instance = $(...).Chocolat().data('chocolat')
instance.api().open() // open() is taken as an example here.

// with:
const instance = Chocolat(...)
instance.api.open() // open() is taken as an example here.


place has been renamed to position .

// replace: 

// with: 

Last updated